Are you …

  • A business owner?
  • Great at what you do?
  • Not as successful as you SHOULD be?
  • Looking for ways to keep improving and growing?

Then this newsletter is for you!

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Every business owner has probably heard that you are supposed to spend time working “on” your business as well as “in” your business.

But how?!?

With such a hectic schedule and so many distractions, where do you even start?

By highlighting concepts that de-mystify the art of running a successful business, I will give you prompts o help you sink your teeth into the real work.

These thoughts are inspired by consultations with hundreds of business owners over the past 5 years.

My hope is that these emails help open your mind to new ways to direct that work!

I’m not promising that working through your thoughts on these topics is easy, but I can promise the time spent will be worthwhile.

Good luck!

Dealing With The Emotional Roller Coaster Of Being An Entrepreneur And The Trough Of Sorrow